Sunday, August 9, 2009

Blog Numero Tres

During my five weeks here at Summer Bridge, I have come to many insights. But, two have caught my attention more strongly than the others. My first insight is WATCH YOUR MONEY! From firsthand knowledge, I know how important it is to keep an eye on your finances. As a college student, you get anxious whenever you have all this money that you didn't have before, you really want to spend it. I spent mine, and now I'm sitting here worrying about where my finances are going to be coming from. If there is one thing that I will be keeping a closer eye on is my bank account.
My second insight is not to judge people when you meet them. I have met so many amazing (and not so amazing) people here at CSUSM that I probably wouldn't have been friends with in high school. If I didn't tell myself to accept people who they are and then allow them to show me who they really are, I wouldn't have half the friends that I have. So, my advice is to always keep an open mind and an open heart.

My biggest challenge in college will be my finances. I have already expressed my worries prior, but I know that unless I really get serious and learn to control my spending habits, I will have financial issues. I think that if I try to teach myself to keep any money in my savings account, in my savings account, I will be okay. I need to grow a little emergency fund, because right now, I don;t have one. =[
My second biggest fear, of course, is not understanding the material in my calculus class. I am terrified that I will just completely blank out and not be able to learn the material for a test or exam. To try and battle this little learning mishap, I have been actively looking for tutors that will be able to help me retain any new info in my calc class.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Blog Numero Uno

Hi! My name is Erin Brower and I consider home to be Carlsbad, Ca. Even though San Marcos is only about 15 minutes away from home, I have to say I miss my family and our salt water pool =/. It is the best. I DO NOT miss my little brother. He's sixteen, and very pubescent. Ew.
I went to Carlsbad High School, and I will always be a Lancer until the day I day, I have attended other high schools, and I found CHS to be the most encouraging, and the most intellectual =].
The biggest influence in my life, would be my grandmother (nana). I don't have my mother in my life and she was always there to push me to better myself and I am so thankful that she opened up the door to college. I wouldn't be here without her motivation and support.
I enjoy playing volleyball, indoor or beach! I have been playing for six years and has been a good way for me to let out my aggression and deal with any problems I have been facing. There's nothing a little adrenaline can't fix. Ha ha.
My secret Hollywood crush wuold have to be Taylor Lautner, if you weren't sure who he is... he plays Jacob Black in the Twilight series. He's my little wolfie.
At one point in my life, I was put into foster care. I then lived with my best friend's grandmother, who took me in and cared for me. Of course there were issues, but being in that kind of situation led me to have a stronger relationship with Jesus Christ because I knew at that point that everything happens for and a reasdon and He works in mysterious ways... always offering blessings in disguise.
So, about myself. I like my hair, but my eyes are my best attribute to my face. I am lucky to have been born with perfect teeth, never had braces, no need to pull wisdom teeth, and I have never had a cavity =]. I like that I'm outgoing, even though there are people who don't. I like my sense of humor, even though I'm sure I can get annoying, but I'm a very happy person. I have high optimism and I try to look at the logical side of things, but I should try to follow my heart more.
I chose CSUSM because everyone that I have met here has been extremely helpful, very friendly and ready and willing to help me in any way that I needed. It isn't too big but just big enough, and just far away that I can live on my own without being bothered by family, but close enough to reach out for help. I'm a Biology major. I find the human body absolutely fascinating, and I dream of being a Doctor, and I will make that dream come true.
I am most afraid that I won't have the proper motivation to push through college, that if I fall, I won't get back up. I am very afraid of quitting.
My biggest cheerleader would have to be my Aunt. She's crazy and I think she pushes so hard because she wants me out of her house. Ha hahahaha. I'm serious, though.
If I could do ANYTHING, with no concern, I would be a heart surgeon. But, I don't think I have the hands, but if I did, that's what I would be.

Well, I'm awesome, and I hope that we can get to know eachother as people =]